# Local storage

Since the end of April 2021, Instagram sets the cross-origin-resource-policy (opens new window) header to "same-origin" on all their images, which means that your browser is not allowed to load the images inside another website which is not "instagram.com".

The only way to make this plugin still usable is to download and store the images locally and deliver them by your own webserver.

So since version 1.1.0 we download the images and store them either in Craft's storage path or you can configure a volume and a subpath.

# Using a volume

We recommend using a volume to store the images. If you are hosting a multi-server environment, you have to use a volume to share the images between all servers.

One benefit of the volume is, that you will get a full asset object for every image. So you can also use transformations etc.

You can set a volume in CP → Settings → Instagram Feed or in the configuration file.

You can also set a subpath within the volume to separate the Instagram images from other assets in the volume.

The volume must have public URLs to access the images, because the plugin will not ship the images and just include the generated URL derived from the volume configuration.

# Using Craft's storage path

If you do not set a volume, the default behaviour is to use Craft's storage path with a folder called "instagram".

In this case, the plugin will take care of service the image files.

Last Updated: 1/27/2023, 1:54:09 PM